Historically, the majority of the HMP&L electrical system has consisted of overhead distribution equipment and conductors, and overhead low voltage service delivery equipment and conductors. However, the industry has been gradually changing to underground services as the preferred service installation for most types of customers, and especially power consuming commercial and industrial customers. To be consistent with industry standards, HMP&L has begun to install underground services and has developed this document as a “standard” for underground distribution and services. The documents linked below describe the conditions under which new underground services will be installed and details on how existing customers can convert overhead service to underground, if they desire, or repair existing underground service.
The specifications are applicable to all Henderson Municipal Power & Light (HMP&L) electrical customers either installing new underground electrical service, converting existing overhead electrical service to underground electrical service, or repairing an existing underground conductor failure. The specifications are applicable to the home owner/property owner and/or the developer/contractor employed by the home owner/property owner.
Underground Distribution and Services Specifications.pdf